ساخت وتولید انواع گونی، پاکت وکیسه های صنعتی

) گونی پلاستیکی

الف ) گونی پلاستیک ساده ( پروپیلن )

ب ) گونی پلاستیکی لمینتی

پ) گونی جامبو

B ) گونی کنفی

II ) پاکت متالایز

الف) دو لایه

ب)سه لایه

III ) کیسه AD STAR

IV ) پاکت کاغذی لایه دار


 B) لمینیتی

الف) دولایه

ب)سه لایه

پ) چهار لایه

 IV)بسته بندی نرم زیپ کیپ

Showing 1–12 of 15 results

Bopp coated composite pouch

New World is the largest producer of Bopp coated composite pouch, composite envelope with various types of covers, including paper cover, kraft cover, laminated cover (waterproof), in different sizes. Contact our experts to inquire about the price of the day.

Paper coated composite envelope

New World is the largest producer of all types of composite envelopes with paper coating, Paper coated composite envelope, 3-layer composite envelopes, with exclusive printing. Layered composite envelope, cement envelope, Adstar, etc. are produced and supplied in this collection with the best quality. Contact our experts to inquire about the price of the paper-coated composite envelope (three-layer composite envelope).

Composite pouch with paper coating or synthetic coating

New World is the largest producer of various types of Composite pouch with paper coating or synthetic coating , laminate, shell coating, laminated, in different sizes and with single-layer, double-layer, triple-layer, and four-layer coatings.

Kraft-coated composite pouch

New World is the largest manufacturer of various types of composite pouches, including Kraft-coated composite pouches, laminated pouches, gusseted pouches, single-layer, double-layer, triple-layer, and four-layer composite pouches.  

2 layer Kraft pouch

New World is the largest manufacturer of various kraft bags, double-layer and three-layer kraft bags, multi-layer kraft bags, kraft sacks, 2-layer and 3-layer cement bags, and adstar bags.

3 layer kraft envelope

New World is the largest producer of Kraft bags, 3 layer Kraft envelope, double-layer Kraft bags, multi-layer Kraft bags, Kraft sacks, 2-layer and 3-layer cement bags, Adstar bags.

Simple Kraft envelope

Production and supply of simple Simple Kraft envelope , multi-layer Kraft envelopes, 2-layer, 3-layer Kraft bags, cement Kraft bags, two-layer Kraft bags, 3-layer Kraft bags

Kraft Zip Cap pouch

New World is the largest producer of various types of Kraft Zip Cap pouch, plain pouch, multi-layer pouch, zip and cap pouch, zip-lock pouch, plain Kraft pouch, and more. For price inquiries regarding Kraft pouches, please contact us.

Ziplock bags

Ziplock bags are one of the best solutions for preserving and maintaining the taste and aroma of food. These bags not only prevent food contact with air and moisture but are also reusable. By using ziplock bags, you can prevent food waste and keep them preserved for a longer period of time.

Jumbo Bags

New World is the largest producer of sacks and bags, simple jumbo bag, laminate, box door, leafy door, military jumbo bag, etc.


New World is the largest manufacturer of various AD STAR bags in different sizes and colors, along with printing on AD STAR bags. The material of ADSTAR bags, also known as cement bags, is polypropylene and polyethylene. PP and PE bags are produced and supplied in New World with the best quality and the latest methods. To inquire about the price of ADSTAR bags, please contact New World experts.

plastic sack

New World is the largest producer of plain plastic sacks, and jumbo bags in various sizes and weights for packaging food, industrial, agricultural, and other products. Printing on plain plastic sheeting is done with the best quality using the latest industrial machinery. Printing services on plain plastic sack can be performed with the highest quality.